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Gurung,Sushila vs. Kandel,Laxmi - 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 1-0

In the 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 on 2025.01.26, Gurung,Sushila played with white pieces against Kandel,Laxmi with black pieces. On this day, Black made a pivotal move by playing Nxe4, which was characterized as a capture move that eliminates material and wins it back. This bold play allows for equal trade of materials between the two sides. However, this decision comes at a cost, as it leaves Gurung's knight without any defenders. Additionally, Black has ignored the opportunity to utilize the superior threat posed by Gurung's piece on Nxe4. The move also makes Gurung's opponent kick one of Black's pieces out of the way, creating space for further development. On the other hand, playing Nxe4 allows Black to develop their knight and enhance its influence in the game. Furthermore, this move has also set the stage for potential counter-attacks by Kandel,Laxmi. Despite this, Black missed an opportunity to defend Gurung's unprotected piece before sacrificing material. In a surprising twist, Black chose not to retake the captured piece immediately, which could have been a more secure option. However, this decision ultimately led to Black developing their knight and setting up for active play. Overall, playing Nxe4 has opened up new possibilities for Kandel,Laxmi to maneuver and create opportunities in the game.
[Date "2025.01.26"]