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Gurung,Sushila vs. Giri,Isha - 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 1-0

In the 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 on 2025.01.27, between Gurung,Sushila playing with white pieces versus Giri,Isha playing with black pieces, Black made a pivotal move Bxh4. This strategic decision resulted in three key outcomes: By capturing material, Black gained a significant advantage, despite the potential value of the captured piece; The attack on White's position ignored a potentially winning threat, which could have led to an advantageous position; The move allowed for a free piece to become active, giving it more mobility and influence; It occupied an important outpost in the center of the board, solidifying Black's control over key territory; This maneuver also set up the possibility for White's pawn on h-file to be kicked back, potentially disrupting their plans; However, by not developing one of its pieces, Black missed a chance to further strengthen its position and prepare for the subsequent moves.
[Date "2025.01.27"]