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Gurung,Sushila vs. Adhikari,Kritisara - 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 0-1

In the 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 on 2025.01.27 between Gurung,Sushila playing with white pieces versus Adhikari,Kritisara playing with black pieces, a notable move was made by White. The move Kf2 allowed Black to potentially kick one of White's pieces out of the way with ease. This move may have been seen as somewhat hesitant, as it misses the opportunity to develop another piece more actively earlier in the game. However, on the other hand, this same move can also be viewed positively, as it does develop a key piece for active play. This piece, now freed from its starting position, can go on to become a powerful force on the board.
[Date "2025.01.27"]