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Grigoryan,Karen H. vs. Andriasian,Zaven - 85th ARM-ch HL 2025 1/2-1/2

In the 85th ARM-ch HL 2025 event on 2025.01.17, played between Grigoryan,Karen H. with white pieces versus Andriasian,Zaven with black pieces, the move Bd7 was made by Black. This move fails to capitalize on a potential threat and instead allows White to maintain control over the center of the board. By playing Bd7, Black misses an opportunity to reveal a hidden attack, potentially altering the course of the game. Furthermore, this move also prevents Black from escaping an impending attack, leaving them vulnerable to White's counterattack. Additionally, Bd7 fails to force White into making a concession, thereby maintaining the initiative for White. Finally, this move does develop the bishop for active play, allowing it to participate in the game's dynamics.
[Date "2025.01.17"]