Gorshtein,Ido vs. Mikhalevski,Victor - Israeli Championship 2024 1/2-1/2
In the Israeli Championship 2024 on January 22nd, 2025, White player Gorshtein made a move that would be perceived as a costly exchange: Ra1. This unusual pawn move threatens to gain material by exposing Black's position to potential attack, but it also puts White in a precarious situation of losing material unnecessarily. By moving their rook unorthodoxly on the first rank, White sacrifices a piece without gaining significant benefits, potentially missing the chance to reveal an attack on a more vulnerable part of the board. Furthermore, this move allows Black's pieces to kick back and counterattack, whereas a well-timed development might have secured a stronger advantage for White. However, by developing their rook for active play, Gorshtein has actually set the stage for more dynamic play in the future game.
[Date "2025.01.22"]