Gombocz,Ferenc Jr. vs. Aczel,Gergely - SixDays Budapest January GM-B 2025 1/2-1/2
In the game between Gombocz,Ferenc Jr. (playing with white pieces) and Aczel,Gergely (playing with black pieces) at SixDays Budapest January GM-B 2025 on January 26, 2025, White made the move h6.
This move allows White to advance a passed pawn without considering potential threats from Black's pieces or attacking chances. By playing h6, White misses an opportunity to force Black into making a move that could have weakened their position. The move also fails to develop any piece for active play, as it only advances the pawn without coordinating other moves.
However, by advancing the passed pawn on the h-file, White does initiate some movement and development of the knight. Despite this, the overall impact of the move is limited, as it doesn't contribute significantly to a larger strategy or create substantial threats against Black's position.
[Date "2025.01.26"]