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Golis,Wiktor vs. Anissimova,Mariya - Prague Open 2025 1-0

In the game between Wiktor Golis and Mariya Anissimova at the Prague Open 2025 on January 10, 2025, Mariya played a remarkable move that showcased her strategic thinking. She chose to play Nxe5, which is characterized by "Threatens material win" as it puts pressure on White's position and creates potential material gain. Additionally, this move can be seen as a clever way to "Wins material", as it aims to capture one of White's pieces, gaining an advantage in the process. By playing Nxe5, Mariya also ignores the possibility of a stronger attack, opting instead for a more direct approach that focuses on taking material. Furthermore, this move is considered "Free piece" because it allows Mariya to develop her knight without having to worry about other pieces being in its way. Furthermore, she reveals a blocked attack, as Nxe5 opens up new lines for her pieces to potentially launch an attack from. This move also enhances the influence of Mariya's knight, giving it more mobility and control over the board. By playing Nxe5, Mariya occupies an important outpost, gaining a strategic advantage that can be used to her advantage later in the game. Finally, this move creates a fork, attacking multiple pieces at once, which adds to its complexity and challenge for White to respond effectively. Unfortunately, it misses the opportunity to develop another piece, but overall, Nxe5 is a well-played move that showcases Mariya's skill and strategic thinking.
[Date "2025.01.10"]