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Gasimov,Rahim vs. Guliyev,Namig - Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 1/2-1/2

In the Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 game between Gasimov Rahim (White) and Guliyev Namig (Black) on 2025.02.03, Black's move Ng6 is notable for gaining a tempo advantage by accelerating development. The move also creates a fork, attacking multiple pieces in potential future positions. Furthermore, Ng6 reveals blocked attacks and misses opportunities to capture material or outposts that could have been more advantageous at this stage of the game. Additionally, it does not seize winning tempo chances and forces Black to spend time developing their piece rather than focusing on other aspects of the position. Moreover, the move lacks the potential for a favorable material exchange or forcing White's hand with a specific pawn sacrifice. However, by playing Ng6, Black is actively involved in the game, proposing an equal trade with White.
[Date "2025.02.03"]