Garifullina,Leya vs. Wagner,Dinara - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1/2-1/2
In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, White player Garifullina made a move that raised some eyebrows - h3. This move can be analyzed from different perspectives.
On one hand, Garifullina missed an opportunity to put pressure on Black's position by not threatening any of their pieces or pawns with this move. By playing h3, she overlooked the potential threat that her knight could have posed if it had been developed to a more active square. Instead, she allowed Black to keep their piece development and pawn structure intact.
Furthermore, Garifullina also missed a chance to gain a material advantage by not exchanging pieces in a way that would have been beneficial for her. This move did not lead to any favorable material exchange or escape from potential attacks on her position. On the other hand, she did develop one of her pieces - the knight - which will be ready for active play, although it may not seem like a fully developed piece at this point.
[Date "2024.12.30"]