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Garifullina,Leya vs. Paehtz,Elisabeth - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1-0

In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, Leya Garifullina played the move Qg5 with white pieces against Elisabeth Pähtz with black pieces. This aggressive pawn move threatens to gain a material advantage by putting pressure on Black's position. However, it appears that Garifullina has chosen to ignore the stronger threat of developing her knight, which would have been a more effective use of her piece. Instead, Garifullina's Qg5 ignores the potential advantage of attacking an opponent's outpost, which could have given her a strategic foothold. Moreover, she overlooks the opportunity to defend the unprotected queen, leaving it vulnerable to attack. Nevertheless, by playing Qg5, Garifullina does defend the attacked piece, albeit somewhat belatedly. While her queen is now somewhat well defended, Garifullina fails to provide adequate protection for the underdefended piece in front of it, leaving Black an opening to counterattack. Unfortunately, this oversight allows Pähtz to launch a successful attack that blocks Garifullina's position and sets up a potentially forced checkmate. In retrospect, Garifullina could have developed her queen earlier, allowing for more active play and better positioning on the board. However, she instead chooses to develop her queen directly onto g5, which ultimately leads to her defeat in the blitz event.
[Date "2024.12.30"]