Garcia Martin,Marta vs. Mamedjarova,Zeinab - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1-0
In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on 2024.12.30, Marta Garcia Martin's move Bd6 by black is a notable choice. This move allows her bishop to become more active on the board, preparing it for potential play in future moves. However, it also misses the opportunity to reveal an attack on a piece, as the d6 square doesn't pose an immediate threat to white pieces. The move fails to seize winning tempo by not exploiting a stronger attacking chance, instead opting for a slower and more gradual build-up of the position. Moreover, it allows the opponent's piece to potentially kick back at her, adding complexity to the game. Finally, this choice also prevents Marta from forcing an enemy move or developing another piece on the board, highlighting the importance of careful consideration in blitz chess.
[Date "2024.12.30"]