Follana Albelda,Lucia vs. Cramling,Pia - European Women Rapid-ch 2024 0-1
In the European Women's Rapid-ch 2024 event on January 11th, 2025, Lucia Follana Albelda made a move that raised some eyebrows as White, playing Bg4 against Pia Cramling with Black pieces. This move resulted in Lucia missing an opportunity to launch a threat, instead choosing not to pursue a potentially strong initiative.
By playing Bg4, Lucia also ignored the superior threat chance presented by her opponent, which could have led to a more dynamic position on the board. Furthermore, this move missed the chance to reveal an attack on a piece, which would have given her a clearer understanding of Pia's defensive strategy.
In contrast to this inactivity, Bg4 can be seen as developing the bishop for active play, bringing it into a more active role on the board. However, it is worth noting that Lucia failed to better escape from the potential attack on her piece, which suggests that she may have been underestimating Pia's aggressive capabilities.
By defending the attacked piece with Bg4, Lucia has ensured its protection, but at the cost of missing a better opportunity to provide additional support to the underdefended piece. Unfortunately for Lucia, this move also fails to offer improved protection for her piece, as it is now caught in a vulnerable position on the board.
Overall, Lucia's choice to play Bg4 was a missed chance to take control of the center and launch a more aggressive attack, instead opting for a more passive approach that has left her with a piece that is both underprotected and poorly supported.
[Date "2025.01.11"]