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Fataliyeva,Ulviyya vs. Kashlinskaya,Alina - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1-0

In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, between Fataliyeva Ulviyya playing white and Kashlinskaya Alina playing black, the move Kg6 was made by Black. This move results in a loss of material since it involves giving up a piece without gaining anything substantial. It also puts the King at risk without adequate protection. By moving the King to g6, Black is essentially leaving their King exposed and vulnerable to attack, as it doesn't have any defenders on this square. Furthermore, the move seems unnecessary as it doesn't directly lead to any immediate gains or threats against White's position. It also misses the opportunity to escape an impending attack by diverting attention away from other parts of the board. On the contrary, it fails to defend against potential threats and instead puts Black's King in a precarious situation. However, one could argue that moving the King to g6 does provide some level of protection for this square, as it becomes more difficult for White to attack without causing significant harm to their own position. Nevertheless, this benefit is overshadowed by the overall risks and weaknesses created by the move. Overall, Kg6 appears to be a questionable choice made by Black in this game.
[Date "2024.12.30"]