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Escobar Garcia, Alberto vs. Quiroga Andres, Carlos - Spanish Chess Championship u12 2024 0-1

In the Spanish Chess Championship U12 on July 11, 2024, between Alberto Escobar Garcia playing White and Carlos Quiroga Andres playing Black, the move Rxe8 was a pivotal moment. By capturing on e8, Black followed a capture move that threatened a material win. This move eliminated an attacking piece and won material, although it resulted in an exchange of material. The rook, after capturing, was left without defenders, revealing a previously blocked attack. This capture missed the chance to develop a piece and also missed a favorable piece exchange. It did not capture an unprotected piece or escape an attack. Furthermore, the move left Black's rook positioned behind a passed pawn but failed to provide better protection for an under-defended piece. Ultimately, it defended an attacked piece but overlooked better defensive possibilities and the opportunity for a more favorable material exchange.

[Date "2024.07.11"]