Elsayed Esam,Sally vs. Bykov,Sophia - DVM U12w 2024 1-0
In the game between Elsayed Esam and Sally (white) versus Bykov and Sophia (black), on December 30, 2024, in the DVM U12w 2024 event, Bykov made a capture move by taking the c5 pawn with their bishop. This move eliminates the potential threat of capturing the bishop and creates a situation where Black's piece is now free to move.
Bykov ignores the chance for a better escape from attack, as this move does not improve the overall defensive position. The bishop is well defended after this capture, which could provide some protection for other pieces on the board. However, Bykov misses an opportunity to develop a piece more effectively and also fails to protect the underdefended pawn.
On the c5 square, Bykov creates a fork by attacking multiple pieces simultaneously, but this does not address the underlying need to develop their piece for active play. Instead, Bykov develops their bishop for passive protection, rather than using it to participate in the game's dynamic.
[Date "2024.12.30"]