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Dolzhykova,Kateryna vs. Nagel,Bernhard - 27th OIBM 2024 1-0

In the game between Kateryna Dolzhykova and Bernhard Nagel at the 27th OIBM 2024 on October 27, 2024, Black played the move Qd4. This move poses a direct threat to gain material advantage. However, it overlooks a more significant threat that could have been addressed. Additionally, it misses the opportunity to capture an unprotected piece and fails to reveal an attack on another piece. The move does not provide a means for escaping an ongoing attack and neglects to defend a piece that is vulnerable. Furthermore, it misses the chance to protect a piece that is inadequately defended. While it creates a fork by attacking multiple pieces simultaneously, it also misses an opportunity for further development of pieces. On the positive side, this move does contribute to more active play for Black's pieces.
[Date "2024.10.27"]