Dixit,Nikhil vs. Mhamane Sourabh - 1st Konde Memorial 2025 1-0
In the game between Dixit and Nikhil versus Mhamane Sourabh at the 1st Konde Memorial 2025 on 2025.02.02, the move Rd1+ by Black was a bold choice. The capture move put pressure on White's position, forcing them to make a response.
This followed a successful capture of one of White's pieces, which gave Black a tempo advantage. The move also defended against an attack that had been directed at Black's piece on square 1.
However, it's worth noting that this move came with some risks, as it left the attacked piece underdefended and vulnerable to further attacks. Despite this, the move was effective in blocking White's potential attack on square 1.
Overall, the move Rd1+ was a strategic choice that showcased Black's aggressive playing style.
[Date "2025.02.02"]