Devansh Singh vs. Shahil Dey - 1st Kingdom Open Udiapur 2024 0-1
On October 25, 2024, during the 1st Kingdom Open in Udaipur, Devansh Singh played the move Qh6 against Shahil Dey. This move notably enhances the activity of the white queen, positioning it aggressively while simultaneously putting pressure on black's pieces. However, it overlooks an opportunity to improve the mobility of white's bishop, which could have contributed more effectively to the overall strategy. Additionally, this move successfully pins one of the opponent's pieces, limiting its movement and creating tactical challenges for black. Furthermore, it establishes a fork that threatens multiple pieces at once, thus increasing the potential for capturing material. Despite these advantages, the move misses a chance to develop another piece that could have supported white's position more robustly. Overall, Qh6 exemplifies active play by advancing a piece into a commanding position while also introducing complexities for the opponent.