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Deshpande,Aniruddha vs. Shejal Sahil Sanjay - 1st Konde Memorial 2025 1-0

In the 1st Konde Memorial 2025 chess match on 2025.02.02 between Aniruddha Deshpande (white) and Shejal Sahil Sanjay (black), a notable move was played by black: Rce3. This move allows for rook connection on file, positioning one of the pieces behind a passed pawn in a strategic location. It also connects with an opponent's rook, creating potential synergy. However, this move seems to ignore a stronger threat chance that could have been exploited. Instead, it develops the piece and sets up for active play, but at the cost of missing opportunities to reveal attacks on pieces or defend unprotected ones. Furthermore, by connecting rooks, black creates an opportunity for an opponent's piece to be kicked out, which is not explored in this move. Additionally, there is a missed chance to escape an impending attack, as well as a chance to force the enemy's hand with a more decisive play. Overall, while Rce3 develops the piece and connects rooks, it appears that black has opted for a less aggressive approach.
[Date "2025.02.02"]