De Lima,Adriano Gaspar vs. Balseca Moreno,Diego - 8th Montevideo Open 2025 1-0
In the 8th Montevideo Open 2025 on 2025.02.04, during a game between De Lima, Adriano Gaspar playing with white pieces versus Balseca Moreno, Diego playing with black pieces, the move Ba6 was made by Black.
The move Ba6 allowed De Lima to develop his bishop and make it more active for future play. However, it missed an opportunity to create a threat immediately. By moving the bishop in front of the queen, it disconnected its potential pin on White's piece. The move also forced Diego to respond with a pawn move, which gained De Lima some tempo advantage.
Despite connecting his rooks, Ba6 neglected better coordination between them. Furthermore, it did not reveal an attack on any of White's pieces and instead focused on developing the bishop. Unfortunately for Black, this move did not pin any of White's pieces, but rather allowed Adriano to develop a piece more actively. Overall, the move was a missed chance to create immediate tension in the game.
[Date "2025.02.04"]