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Cordeiro,Marco Aurelio Zaror vs. Silva,Kaua Marques - BCS-Floripa Super Blitz 2025 0-1

In the BCS-Floripa Super Blitz 2025 game between Marco Aurelio Zaror (White) and Kaua Marques (Black), on January 22, 2025, Marco Aurelio played the move Ke4. This move allows a bishop to develop for active play but misses opportunities for better protection of underdefended pieces. However, the key issue with this move is that it ignores superior threat chances and fails to seize winning tempo, essentially allowing Kaua Marques to kick against White's position. It also blocks opponent attacks, which is crucial in a blitz game where time pressure can be intense. Furthermore, Ke4 does not force an enemy move, which could have led to further complications for Black. The move itself develops the piece but doesn't necessarily contribute to seizing better mobility for the bishop or revealing any potential attack on other pieces. Instead, it seems Marco Aurelio missed a chance to reveal an attack on a specific piece and also failed to develop a more actively placed piece.
[Date "2025.01.22"]