Chubakov,Sultan vs. Varga,Zoltan - SixDays Budapest January IM-A 2025 1/2-1/2
In the game between Chubakov and Varga at the SixDays Budapest January IM-A 2025 on 2025.01.28, Black's move Qb6 is a notable choice. The move fails to capitalize on a potential threat, missing an opportunity for aggression that could have put pressure on White's position.
Moreover, by playing Qb6, Black also conceals the attack on their own piece, rather than revealing it to gain an advantage. This move limits bishop mobility, as the queen is somewhat restricted in its movement options.
Additionally, this choice does not allow for better piece advancement, which could have led to more dynamic play and potential counterplay. Instead, it pins White's piece to their king, creating a defensive barrier that restricts White's options. The move also creates a fork, attacking multiple pieces simultaneously.
However, Qb6 fails to develop the queen, which is essential for active play and putting pressure on White's position. Overall, the choice of Qb6 seems to be focused more on defending rather than attacking, and it does not contribute significantly to Black's overall strategy.
[Date "2025.01.28"]