Chen,Qingzhi Alexander vs. Thiel,Jean-Claude - Deutsche Unimeisterschaft 2024 1-0
In the Deutsche Unimeisterschaft 2024 on November 30, 2024, between Chen Qingzhi Alexander playing with white pieces versus Thiel Jean-Claude playing with black pieces, the move Be7 played by Black is notable for gaining a tempo advantage as it allows for quicker development of the player's pawn structure. This move also forces Thiel Jean-Claude to respond, potentially weakening his position.
Furthermore, the move Be7 can be seen as developing a piece unnecessarily, as it does not immediately attack any of White's pieces and instead sets up a potential future threat. Additionally, this move could have been used to capture an outpost, which would have given Black more control over the center of the board.
However, the true power of the move Be7 lies in its ability to create a fork, as it simultaneously attacks two of White's pieces, putting pressure on them and forcing Chen Qingzhi Alexander to respond. Unfortunately for Black, this move also allows Chen Qingzhi Alexander to continue checkingmate with relative ease, ultimately leading to a forced checkmate.
It is worth noting that while the move Be7 does seem to create opportunities for counterplay, it can also be seen as making a minor sacrifice in exchange for controlling the center of the board and gaining a tempo advantage.
[Date "2024.11.30"]