Charkhalashvili,Inga vs. Mammadzada,Gunay - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 0-1
In a recent game of FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 on December 30, 2024, White player Charkhalashvili played c5 against Black player Mammadzada. This move appears to be a missed opportunity, as it fails to threaten Black's position directly. Instead, it ignores the stronger threat that could have been exerted by playing a different piece. The move also neglects to reveal an attack on Black's piece, allowing their opponent to prepare for potential counter-attacks. Furthermore, this square c5 enables Mammadzada to kick one of White's pieces with ease, providing him with an advantageous opportunity. However, Charkhalashvili fails to better escape from the impending attack. Additionally, her move does not effectively defend an unprotected piece, and it also misses the chance to force a specific enemy move out of Black's hand. Despite this, the c5 pawn now finds itself well defended by Mammadzada, likely due to Charkhalashvili's development of her c-pawn for active play.
[Date "2024.12.30"]