Cevizci, Yusuf Baran vs. Schut, Han - September 03 Late 2024 1-0
In the game between Yusuf Baran Cevizci and Han Schut on September 3, 2024, the move Qc5 played by Black had several implications. This move allowed White to potentially displace a piece, indicating a vulnerability in Black's position. Furthermore, it did not provide a more effective escape from the ongoing attack, which could have been a concern for Black. However, the piece on c5 became well-defended, enhancing its stability on the board. Despite this defense, the move overlooked the opportunity to better protect another piece that was underdefended, leaving it exposed to future threats. Additionally, the move pinned a piece of White's, creating a tactical advantage by restricting its movement. This move also had the effect of pinning a piece to the opponent's king, which can often lead to significant pressure in the position. While it did not develop a new piece, it did facilitate more active play for Black's existing pieces, contributing to the overall dynamics of the game.