Castillo Beitia,Ashley Alexandra vs. Wagner,Dinara - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 0-1
In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on 2024.12.30, Ashley Alexandra played with white pieces against Dinara Wagner. The chess move Qf7 was made by White, which is a relatively rare and somewhat unexpected move, especially considering it's not a standard or commonly played square.
This move follows a capture, implying that White has recently captured a piece on f-file. However, instead of maintaining the pressure or exploiting the newly gained material advantage, White misses an opportunity to threaten Black more effectively. Furthermore, White ignores the possibility of revealing an attack on one of Black's pieces, potentially gaining a strategic advantage.
By playing Qf7, White also fails to seize a winning tempo, allowing Dinara Wagner to respond more easily and regain control of the game. Moreover, this move enables Black's piece to kick back at White, counteracting any potential attacking chances. Unfortunately for White, they miss an opportunity to escape a potential attack, as well as force their opponent into making a difficult move.
[Date "2024.12.30"]