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Capaliku,Aleks vs. Mazzini,Mauro - 13th Palmanova Festival A 2024 1/2-1/2

In the 13th Palmanova Festival A 2024 chess match between Capaliku,Aleks playing with white pieces versus Mazzini,Mauro playing with black pieces on December 30, 2024, White's move Rc1 is noteworthy. This move allows Black to kick one of their rooks forward and gain a slight advantage in the opening. By moving its rook to c1, White also captures an open file, potentially gaining a strategic advantage in the game. However, it misses an opportunity to develop one of its pieces more actively. On the other hand, this move does develop the rook for active play, setting the stage for further strategic moves.
[Date "2024.12.30"]