Bulmaga,Irina vs. Piddubna,Bozhena - European Women Blitz-ch 2024 1-0
In the European Women Blitz-ch 2024 event on January 10th, 2025, Black player Piddubna made the move Qe6. This move allowed White player Bulmaga to develop a piece for active play, but it's worth noting that it didn't necessarily create immediate threats or attacking chances.
The move also failed to better protect an underdefended piece, and instead, placed it in a position where it would be more difficult to defend in the future. Furthermore, Qe6 missed the opportunity to seize winning tempo, as it didn't put pressure on White's position that could have forced them into making a concession.
Additionally, by playing Qe6, Black Piddubna failed to reveal an attack on a piece, which could have potentially caught White off guard and given Black an advantage. The move also misses the chance to develop the queen for more active play, as it's primarily focused on developing one piece rather than creating a strong attacking position.
Finally, the move Qe6 doesn't seem to be particularly effective in escaping from potential attacks or threats, as it doesn't create any significant advantages that would make it difficult for White to launch a successful attack. Overall, the move is somewhat passive and doesn't take advantage of any weaknesses in White's position.
[Date "2025.01.10"]