Bulmaga,Irina vs. Ouellet,Maili-Jade - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1-0
In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 on December 30, 2024, between players Bulmaga-Irina (white) and Ouellet-Maili-Jade (black), the move Bf6 was played by Black. This move involves developing a piece, which is crucial for active play.
However, it appears that this move ignores a stronger threat chance, potentially missing an opportunity to gain an advantage over White's position.
On the other hand, the move does develop a piece, setting it up for further activity on the board.
Overall, while the move may not have been the strongest choice given the circumstances, it does demonstrate Black's effort to develop their pieces and create potential for future play.
[Date "2024.12.30"]