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Bulmaga,Irina vs. Lu,Miaoyi - 87th Tata Steel Challengers 2025 1/2-1/2

In the 87th Tata Steel Challengers 2025 on January 21, 2025, between Irina Bulmaga playing with white pieces versus Miaoyi Lu playing with black pieces, the move Bh3 was played by Black. This pawn move is characterized by "Ignores superior threat chance," which means that by moving to h3, Black is essentially ignoring a stronger attacking opportunity. Instead of developing their piece for a more aggressive play, they are choosing to focus on occupying an important outpost. Furthermore, the move "Misses chance to develop piece" suggests that Black's decision to play Bh3 might have prevented them from better utilizing another piece in their development process. On the other hand, the move "Develops piece for active play" implies that by playing Bh3, Black is indeed developing one of their pieces, albeit perhaps not with the most optimal long-term consequences in this specific position.
[Date "2025.01.21"]