Bulmaga,Irina vs. Javakhishvili,Lela - European Women Rapid-ch 2024 0-1
In the European Women Rapid-ch 2024 event on January 11, 2025, White player Bulmaga made a bold move with Qc2, which follows a capture move. This aggressive play threatens to gain material from Black's position, making it difficult for Javakhishvili to counterattack.
Unfortunately, this move results in the loss of material, as it sacrifices a valuable piece on c2. Moreover, this piece is now exposed and lacks adequate defenders.
Moreover, by playing Qc2, White ignores a more promising threat from Black's position.
However, forcing Javakhishvili to respond with their pawn or piece development can create new attacking opportunities.
In addition, the Queen's move gains tempo advantage over the course of the game.
Unfortunately, this move allows Javakhishvili to prepare for an attack against White's queen.
[Date "2025.01.11"]