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Bogomolow,Sergej vs. Burnus,Finn Crispin - Uhlenkoeper-Open 2024 1-0

In the Uhlenkoeper-Open 2024 on 12.30.2024, between Bogomolow, Sergej playing with white pieces versus Burnus, Finn Crispin playing with black pieces, a notable move occurred when Black played Qxe4. This move results in the loss of material, indicating that Black sacrificed a piece to gain an advantage. However, it can also be seen as a free piece since it allows for further development and mobility. Furthermore, the queen's e-pawn is now well defended due to the sacrifice, making it less of a threat to White. On the other hand, some might argue that this move misses better protection for underdefended pieces, specifically the kingside pawns. Additionally, playing Qxe4 blocks a potential opponent attack on Black's position and creates a fork, attacking multiple White pieces simultaneously. Nevertheless, the development of the queen is somewhat hindered by this sacrifice. Nevertheless, the move does develop the piece for active play, ultimately leading to more dynamic play from that point forward.
[Date "2024.12.30"]