Bhandari,Kshitiz vs. Subedi,Rajan - 25th Nepal Championship 2025 1/2-1/2
In the 25th Nepal Championship 2025 on January 26, 2025, between Kshitiz Bhandari playing with white pieces versus Rajan Subedi playing with black pieces, the move Qb3 was made by Black.
This move puts pressure on the queen pawn, which could potentially lead to material gain. It also proposes a potential equalization through a piece trade, as it may prompt White to respond in kind and exchange queens. The Queen's Bishop on b3 is forced to respond to this potential threat, and doing so gains a tempo advantage over Black.
However, by playing Qb3, Black misses the opportunity to escape the potential attack on their queen pawn. Furthermore, this move prevents Black from developing other pieces, particularly in the center of the board, which could have been advantageous.
On the positive note, the Queen's Bishop on b3 develops a piece for active play, allowing it to participate in future attacks and defensive maneuvers.
[Date "2025.01.26"]