Bhandari,Kshitiz vs. Rajbhandari,Rijendra - 25th Nepal Championship 2025 1/2-1/2
In the 25th Nepal Championship 2025 on January 29, 2025, between Kshitiz Bhandari playing with white pieces versus Rijendra Rajbhandari playing with black pieces, Black's move Rg6 was made.
This move allows for a quick and direct threat against White's position, putting pressure on the material and creating an opportunity to gain a strategic advantage. However, it can be argued that Black may have ignored a stronger threat chance in favor of this more aggressive approach. By not seizing the chance to reveal the attack on their own piece, they may have missed out on a clearer path to victory.
Moreover, playing Rg6 may have allowed White's opponent to kick against one of Black's pieces with greater ease, making it more difficult for them to defend. The move also fails to provide adequate protection for the underdefended piece in front of their king, leaving it vulnerable to attack.
On the other hand, by moving the rook to g6, Black may have blocked White's attack and potentially prevented a material loss. However, they missed the opportunity to better protect their own underdefended piece, which remains exposed to counter-attacks.
It is also possible that Rg6 was a premature attempt to develop the piece for active play, putting it in harm's way before it had fully developed its potential. Nevertheless, Black's move does bring some level of development and mobility to their rook, allowing it to participate more actively in the game.
[Date "2025.01.29"]