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Beydullayeva,Govhar vs. Rzali,Sabina - Azerbaijan-ch-Women-2025 1-0

In the Azerbaijan-ch-Women-2025 event on 2025.02.04, the game between Beydullayeva, Govhar, playing with white pieces, and Rzali, Sabina, playing with black pieces, saw an interesting move by Black: Qc4. This move allowed for better development of a piece for active play. However, it seems that Black missed the opportunity to threaten the opponent's position, instead ignoring a potential free capture opportunity. Furthermore, this move fails to reveal any attack on an opponent's piece, and does not provide a favorable piece exchange. Unfortunately for Black, this move also allows the opponent's piece to kick in. Additionally, by playing Qc4, Black misses the chance to defend an unprotected piece, which could have led to better protection. Lastly, it seems that the move does not provide any material gain, as it does not result in a favorable material exchange; on the contrary, it may even lead to a loss of material.
[Date "2025.02.04"]