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Berrozpe Gonzalez, Marc vs. Melchor Martinez, Tristan - Spanish Chess Championship u12 2024 1-0

In the Spanish Chess Championship u12 2024 on July 11, during the game between Marc Berrozpe Gonzalez playing white and Tristan Melchor Martinez playing black, the move Bc4 was played by white. This move develops the piece for active play and pins an opponent's piece to their king, aiming to create tactical pressure. However, it misses the opportunity to seize a winning tempo and to force the enemy to make a specific move. Additionally, it fails to exploit a chance to reveal an attack on another piece, potentially leading to a material gain. The move also overlooks a superior threat chance and allows black to kick the bishop with a pawn. Moreover, it misses an opportunity to develop another piece that could have improved white's position. Despite these missed opportunities, Bc4 is a move that seeks to maintain an active and aggressive stance in the game.

[Date "2024.07.11"]