Bendriss,Hatim vs. Gyldenas,Ole Jorn - 21st Open Gran Hotel Bali-B 2024 1/2-1/2
In the 21st Open Gran Hotel Bali-B 2024 chess match between Hatim Bendriss (white) and Ole Jorn Gyldenas (black) on November 30, 2024, Hatim made a crucial move by playing d5 with his white pieces. This move ignores potential threats from black's position, allowing the pawn to become a passed pawn that could potentially be used as a strong attacking force. However, by focusing solely on developing this pawn, Hatim misses the opportunity for better escape routes from an impending attack. Furthermore, the move also neglects to develop other pieces effectively, hindering active play and overall strategic flexibility.
Developing the d-pawn does enable active play with the piece moving to it though.
[Date "2024.11.30"]