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Baum,Jonasz vs. Harshavardhan G B - Marienbad Open GM 2025 1-0

In the Marienbad Open GM 2025 on January 21, 2025, White player Baum made a decisive move, axb6+. This capture not only eliminates an attacking piece but also gains material, as it wins the piece captured. The move also leaves a piece without defenders. By making this capture, Baum misses an opportunity to put pressure on Black's position and potentially threaten more than one square at once. Forcing Harshavardhan G B to respond to this move is a key aspect of Baum's strategy. The exchange helps advance his passed pawn, gaining tempo advantage over the rest of the game. However, it also develops White's piece for active play, positioning it for potential future attacks or counter-attacks.
[Date "2025.01.21"]