Batzakis,Michail Angelos vs. Tamiolakis,Grigorios - 16th Greek Youth Team-ch 2024 0-1
In the 16th Greek Youth Team-ch 2024 game between Michail Angelos Batzakis and Grigorios Tamiolakis on November 29, 2024, White plays Bxc5, a move that captures material from Black's pawn. This capture threatens to gain a significant advantage in the position. The exchange of material results in White losing one piece to gain another. By moving the bishop away from its starting position, it leaves the queen somewhat exposed. This move also fails to take advantage of a potentially better piece exchange, allowing Black to retain more flexibility. Furthermore, by removing the bishop from the board, it creates an opportunity for Black to attack and potentially capture White's pieces.
[Date "2024.11.29"]