Bashirli,Saadat vs. Huseynova,Dinara - AZE-ch 1st League Women 2025 1-0
In the game between Bashirli,Saadat and Huseynova,Dinara from the AZE-ch 1st League Women 2025 on 2025.01.07, the move Rxh8 by White is characterized as a follow-up to a capture, eliminating an attacking piece in one swift motion. This maneuver leaves material in White's possession, rendering the captured piece without defenders to protect it. The rook's position behind a passed pawn suggests that it may not be actively contributing to the attack, but rather serving to reinforce its own defensive capabilities. By defending the attacked piece, White secures a more stable foundation for their position. The rook now finds itself in a well-defended position, which may limit its potential for further development or active play. However, this move does miss an opportunity to threaten Black's position more effectively.
[Date "2025.01.07"]