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Balajayeva,Khanim vs. Hajiyeva,Laman - Azerbaijan-ch-Women-2025 1-0

In the game between Balajayeva (White) and Hajiyeva (Black) of the Azerbaijan-ch-Women-2025 on 02.04.2025, Black's move Qd8 is notable for missing an opportunity to launch a threat, as it allows White to maintain control of the center with greater ease. By playing this move, Black also fails to reveal any potential attack on one of their pieces, potentially leaving it vulnerable to counter-attacks. Furthermore, Qd8 does not contribute to developing any piece, instead, it develops the Queen for active play which might be an overextension at this stage. In the context of this game, White's superior threat chance is not being fully utilized due to Black's passive move.
[Date "2025.02.04"]