Bagaturov,Giorgi vs. Okara,Andrey - 15th Margaryan Memorial-IM 2025 1/2-1/2
In the 15th Margaryan Memorial-IM 2025 event on January 10, 2025, Giorgi Bagaturov played the move Rfe1 as White against Andrey Okara. This move is characterized by missing a chance to threaten, ignoring a superior threat opportunity, and failing to seize a winning tempo.
Missing a better knight's move has also been overlooked in favor of this straightforward pawn advance. The game does not benefit from equalizing the material balance through a trade, as it might have offered more potential for development and attacking chances.
By playing Rfe1, Bagaturov develops his rook for active play but misses opportunities to capture key outposts and reveal potential attacks on pieces.
[Date "2025.01.10"]