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Ayaan Garg vs. Audi Ameya - Goa GM Open 2025 0-1

In the event of Goa GM Open 2025 on 2025.01.11, Ayaan Garg played Rc8 with white pieces against Audi Ameya's black pieces. This move could have been an opportunity to launch a powerful attack but instead it fell flat, missing the chance to threaten Audi's position directly. By playing this move, Ayaan allowed Audi to potentially kick one of their own pieces out of the way, rather than being forced into an unfavorable position. The move also failed to take advantage of open lines on the board, as a rook capture on that square would have been a significant gain for White. Furthermore, Rc8 did not contribute to developing any other pieces in Ayaan's active play, which is essential in creating long-term strategic advantages.
[Date "2025.01.11"]