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Atalik,Ekaterina vs. Tsolakidou,Stavroula - European Women Blitz-ch 2024 0-1

In the European Women Blitz-ch 2024 tournament on January 10, 2025, White player Atalik made the move Qc4, a gambit play that aims to quickly develop the queen while putting pressure on Black's position. This move proposes an equal piece trade and gains a tempo advantage by advancing the queen in front of the king, potentially catching Black off guard. However, it overlooks a better opportunity for the knight, which could have been developed to attack Black's position more effectively. The move also pins Black's queen, forcing Tsolakidou to respond to this threat rather than focus on developing other pieces. Furthermore, by advancing the queen, Atalik misses an opportunity to escape a potential attack and create counterplay on the kingside.
[Date "2025.01.10"]