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Aslanov,Umid vs. Rzayev,Chingiz - Azerbaijan-ch 1st League 2025 1-0

In the game between Aslanov,Umid (White) and Rzayev,Chingiz (Black) of the Azerbaijan-ch 1st League 2025 on January 7, 2025, the move Qb6 by Black is notable for several observations. The move follows a capture, which suggests that White has put pressure on Black's position. Qb6 misses an opportunity to capture an open file, potentially gaining a strategic advantage. By playing Qb6, Black also fails to capitalize on a chance to develop another piece more actively in the game, potentially leading to better tactical options. However, it is worth noting that Qb6 does develop the Queen's piece for active play.
[Date "2025.01.07"]