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Arabidze,Meri vs. Hejazipour,Mitra - European Women Rapid-ch 2024 1/2-1/2

In the European Women Rapid-ch 2024 game on January 11, 2025, Meri Arabidze played Qd7 with black pieces. This move puts pressure on white's position by attacking a key piece that could potentially be captured, which is a common strategic concept. However, it also misses an opportunity to retreat from the potential attack and instead sticks with the same position. Furthermore, this move fails to address the exposed queen, allowing her to become a target for further attacks. Additionally, by defending the attacked piece, Meri may have inadvertently made the position more vulnerable to future threats. By doing so, she has also missed a chance to secure the king-side of the board and protect an underdefended piece that could be easily targeted in the future. Moreover, this move does not provide a better defense for the unprotected piece on d7, which is now at risk of being captured by the attacking white pieces. The queen's development on d7 also leads to active play, as she is now positioned to potentially influence key parts of the board more easily.
[Date "2025.01.11"]