Apurv Shekhar Desmukh vs. Abhishek,Kelkar - 1st Konde Memorial 2025 1/2-1/2
In the 1st Konde Memorial 2025 chess game on 2025.02.02 between Apurv Shekhar Desmukh (white) and Abhishek Kelkar (black), the move Qg2 was played by white.
This move allows black's knight to kick the queen, posing a threat to it. However, by playing Qg2, white fails to better escape from this attack. The queen is now well defended due to its position on the g2 square, making it more difficult for black to capture.
Moreover, by not providing better protection for the underdefended pawn on e4, white misses an opportunity to safeguard a vital piece. Additionally, Qg2 represents a missed chance to develop another piece, potentially leading to greater mobility and attacking opportunities.
On the other hand, Qg2 does develop the queen for active play, enabling it to participate in future battles more effectively.
[Date "2025.02.02"]