Amar,Elham vs. Karut,Kacper - 21st Open Gran Hotel Bali-A 2024 1-0
In the 21st Open Gran Hotel Bali-A 2024 chess game between Amar (white) and Elham (black), on November 29th, 2024, Karut made a move with his bishop, placing it on d6. This move was part of a capture, but unfortunately for Black, it didn't lead to an immediate threat. It does, however, show more active development of the bishop piece, rather than just moving a pawn or using a less active piece.
The move could have been taken further by considering the opportunity to attack Amar's position more effectively, but instead Karut missed that chance. The d6 square also leaves an unprotected piece in its wake. Additionally, by playing this move, Black had the opportunity to protect a piece that was underdefended and potentially vulnerable. However, Karut chose not to pursue that line of defense.
The move does develop the bishop, allowing it to participate more actively in the game's play.
[Date "2024.11.29"]