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Alekseev,Evgeny vs. Ben Ari,Yannay - Israeli Championship 2024 1/2-1/2

In the Israeli Championship 2024 game between Evgeny Alekseev and Yannay Ben Ari on January 22, 2025, Black's move b4 is characterized by a bold and unconventional choice that challenges White's expectations. The move threatens to gain material immediately by putting pressure on White's position. However, it also opens up the possibility for equal trade, suggesting that Black may be willing to give up some material in exchange for counterplay. Despite being aware of White's superior threat chance, Black chooses to ignore it and instead proposes an equal piece trade. This decision forces White to move a piece, potentially altering their strategy. Furthermore, this move misses the opportunity to reveal an attack on one of White's pieces, which could have led to a significant advantage for Black. In addition, Black fails to capitalize on a favorable material exchange, which would have given them a strong initiative. Instead, they seem to be missing the chance to escape from White's attack altogether. Finally, by playing b4, Black misses the chance to force White into making an unfavorable move, potentially gaining a strategic advantage. The move also serves to develop the bishop, preparing it for active play and creating opportunities for counter-attack.
[Date "2025.01.22"]