Ahmadzada,Ahmad vs. Ibrahimli,Murad - Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 1-0
In the Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 on 2025.02.01, played between Ahmadzada,Ahmad with white pieces versus Ibrahimli,Murad with black pieces, a critical move was made by Black: Qxc6. This capture resulted in Ahmad losing material but gaining a free piece, which he failed to utilize effectively.
By playing Qxc6, Black missed the chance to reveal an attack on one of White's pieces and instead left it without defenders, which could have potentially created a threat. The move also ignored a superior threat opportunity, as White had a stronger attacking possibility that Black chose not to address.
Furthermore, by taking the captured piece, Black failed to force a response from White and missed the chance to develop his own piece for active play. However, it is worth noting that this move did develop one of Black's pieces, although it was not utilized in an optimal manner.
In the context of the game, this move is likely to be scrutinized by chess enthusiasts, particularly due to its potential impact on the overall outcome of the match between Ahmadzada and Ibrahimli.
[Date "2025.02.01"]